Monday, July 2, 2012

Visa granted

I'm not really sure whether I should be panicking or feeling relieved.

With one thing less on my mind, there are many more sprouts of new thoughts.

How will I manage?
Will my plane crash? (I dreamt I was in a plane crash, which wasn't really important until I dreamt I got my visa and then actually did get it two days later...)
How will I manage without my friends? Will I spend a quarter of my pay check on Skype credit?
What will I miss the most?
Am I going to feel homesick?

There's so many I can only sit in front of this screen and wonder...


  1. Ne uzrujavaj se zbog snova, dobio bi vizu i da nisi to sanjao :).

    Samo opušteno, gledaj pozitivno, ideš odavde, počinješ nešto novo i sve će da bude dobro i zabavno. Ja jedva čekam da nam javiš kako je dole :D.

    1. Ima da tipkam svaku večer prije spavanja, mwahaha...

  2. Sad već možeš paničariti :).
    Šalim se, bit će teško sigurno, ali opet uživaj, imaš priliku da nešto napraviš. U svakom slučaju je to bolje od alternative, sjediti kod svojih roditelja bez posla, na brdovitom Balkanu dok godine lete.
    Zato raduj se!



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