Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Random snapshots aka summer in Perth

Embarrassement terrible

It's been so long since I posted anything and it's starting to bug me. Given that I'm at work – taking a break from reviewing a 105-page report – you can imagine to what extent it's actually bugging me.

I just don't know where the time flies and why I can't find any to commit to the things I like. Lately, it's all been about sitting on the couch and staring at the TV. Numbing the pain perhaps.

Lombok was amazing, I'm off to Sydney in two days, but in the meantime (maybe at the airport), I'll try to write a bit more. Sometimes I'm on the train and I wish I could just post my thoughts directly to the blog, because by the time I'm home, it's all gone.

Disliking Murphy's and all similar laws at the moment...

But my Lombok photos are next on the list – hopefully before I end up with hundreds of Sydney photos added to the list. Life's tough, isn't it?

Here's just a quick preview – a photo from Lombok. And yes, that's me. With Bali's Gunung Agung volcano in the background.

Cheers, all!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Just a quick greeting from Indonesia: selamat!

And yes, that's me swimming there, with the volcano named Gunung Agung in the background.


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