Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Date of sponsorship approval

Step one is done, it seems. And what's even better, it seems to be going rather well. Definitely at a higher pace than I expected.

I'm guessing the Nomination (part two) is being processed at the moment, so I'm finalizing the last pieces of paperwork. After I have it all, I'll be applying for the visa (final part three).

The check list is open and the forms are being updated with any new info. Being that it all makes around 80 pages, you can imagine the amount of work, patience and detail one has to put into this.

Electronic temporary business visa (long stay):
Form 80
Form 1221
Form 1066
Sponsorship Clearance
Nomination Clearance
Sponsorship Transaction Reference Number (TRN)
Nomination Reference Number
Transaction Reference Number
Passport Biodata Page (page with photo and personal details)
Passport size photograph
Birth Certificate
Family Register Document
Identity Card
Details of any name change
457 Skills Assessment conducted by Trades Recognition Australia A
Qualification Certificates (Professional and Educational)
Registration, licensing or professional Membership as required B
Previous employment references C
Curriculum vitae (CV) or Resume D
Skills Assessment from the relevant assessing authority E
IELTS test results (must meet English language requirements)
Education undertaken in English (based on the completion of five continuous years of study at a secondary or higher institution where the instruction was in English)
Certificate of adequate Health Insurance cover H
Health Assessment as defined in Form 1163i Health requirement for temporary entry to Australia
Penal Clearances for each country you have lived in for more than 12 months in the past 10 years
Form 80 Personal particulars for character assessment
Form 1221 Additional personal particulars information
Military Discharge Papers
Hahaha, had enough?!

Certified copies, employment reference and insurance policy and I'm off.
To study for the English exam.


  1. Zaboga! Koja gomila papira! O.o

    1. Haha, misli? Fakat je gomila toga. Da šaljem papirnatu aplikaciju, bilo bi ziher jedno stotinjak stranica...

    2. Mozes misliti te postarine XD

    3. Uh, sva sreća da su prešli na digitalu. Iovako me svaka kuverta unutra Hrvatske dođe 10 kn.

      A u troškove aplikacije, ovjerenja i sličnog bolje da ne ulazim. Možda jednog dana i to objavim, kad budem ugniježđen na nekoj plaži tamo dolje...

    4. ima onaj vic... kako pametni hrvati zovu glupe hrvate? telefonom iz inozemstva.

      dobro da si se javio, mislila sam da su te papiri zatrpali :)))

    5. Ahaha, dobar! Pamtim...

      Ma, i jesam iza gomile papira, ali imam ogromnu pomoć u kolegici s posla. Fakat me obavještava o svemu što se događa i pomaže oko svega.

      Upravo idem srediti zadnje papire, neke ovjere i slično, pa bih trebao poslati zahtjev za vizu možda još i ovog tjedna...


    6. Au! Osecam da nisi toliko pisao od osnovne skole ;)
      Figodrz naravno :))

    7. Uh, jesam, ali svejedno...



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