Friday, April 27, 2012

Being a Jonah

Being the Jonah* that I am, I've learned to prepare for everything that might come up. If it can come up, it will come up.

So I fixed all the paperwork ahead of schedule, got all the certificates, filled in all the forms...
...only to find out that:
- the Embassy doesn't take the only credit card that I own
- the company's server is down and I can't seem to be able to contact any of the people I need
- some new forms came out (and kept coming out during April), so I'll need to fill those 50 pages all over again.

I wanted to sort it all out before I take off to Istria tomorrow, but it's obviously not going to work out.

Can't wait for a long weekend of constantly checking my email. Not.

Here's an image of Jonah which doesn't really
have to do anything with it in the end...

*Jonah = A male given name; (slang, by extension of the nautical sense) Any person or object which is deemed to cause bad luck; a jinx.


  1. Brzo brzo, nabavi novu karticu :D.

    1. Ma joj, baš su picky. Taman sam sve sredio da budem u miru (i da onda samo fino čekam), a sad totalni kaos. Ali eto, valjda to tako ide. Ne daj Bože da se srede papiri u mjesec dana - neki birokratski glavonja bi valjda dobio otkaz...



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