Thursday, May 24, 2012

Any thoughts?

The more I think of it, the scarier it gets.

Maybe the trick is not to think at all. Maybe I should just take off as soon as I can in order to avoid all the possible, numerous and sure-to-happen incidents involving people, places and events.

People ask me how I cope with the idea of moving so far away...

Well, first of all, it's not an idea - it's happening. And secondly, I have no idea whatsoever.

How am I supposed to cope with it? How am I supposed to prepare?

Now everyone's so eager to hang out and meet up and hit it off, and the only thing I can think of is it's only going to be harder and harder.

Don't get me wrong - I'm doing this! It's what I've been working for and what I've been looking to. But that doesn't mean it's going to be hard as hell.

I honestly can't imagine my life down under. Even as I was leaving for India, I had an image of how it all worked and what it looked like, so when I got there, it was more about recognizing familiar situations than actually experiencing my own. It's weird.

And even though I've heard so many stories about Australia, this really is a big step. My head feels like a frisbee (or maybe a boomerang, to be more precise) and I can't seem to collect my thoughts.

There's just this long list of things I need to sort out. The problem is I have no idea where to start!

I just grabbed a plastic bag to start cleaning up a bit (so that I can get to the stuff I need to pack) and what I did was empty the trash can and leave it by the door. That's it.

It's gonna be a looong way...


  1. Vidim tebe vec panika hvata. Poooolako. Imas vremena. Prvo se smiri. :D
    Ako treba napravi i spisak svega sto moras uraditi prije nego odes. Bice tesko. Bice gadno. But, you can do it! :D

    1. O, there is a spisak!

      Ma, hvata me panika jer mi je svi guraju pod nos. Umjesto da mi ljudi kažu 'ajme, super, živio', oni mi govore 'ajme, kako možeš, ja bih umrla' i takve stvari...

      Nije ni čudo da ispaljujem. Lagano, ali sigurno...

    2. Ok, onda jos jedna stavka se mora dodati na spisak.
      Panicari - odjebaus! (pardon my French :D) Primjeniti taktiku flegme.
      Ne umire se od odlaska u Australiju. XD

    3. Mene više strah da će mi faliti ljudi, nego da se tamo neću snaći. Ali ajde, ima letova...

  2. Ma daj, no sikiriki - malo će ti na početku biti čudno a onda ćeš upoznati ljude, ove koje viđaš tu možeš vidjeti i preko skajpa a usput pravi prijatelji bi te poticali a ne govorili gluposti kao - joj ja to ne bi mogla. Onak ti ne bi zato i ne ideš, a ja mogu zato ja idem.

    Moj prijedlog ti je da doma baciš sve što ti ne treba. Ali sve. (Samo knjige nemoj, njih pokloni meni hehe) Ja kad sam se selila sam se riješila svega što mi ne treba, što se nakupljalo godinama, sve neke sentimentalne gluposti koje samo prašinu skupljaju a ne služe ničemu. Par sitnica sam ostavila a sve ostalo - viva la trashcan.

    Totalno je zen ostaviti iza sebe sobu kao da je hotelska - samo namještaj. Jer u biti ono što nam fali su navike - navikneš na svoju drložastu sobu, na ljude oko sebe, na ovo na ono - a ne mora značiti da je to dobro za tebe samo je utješno jer si navikao na to.

    Zato se nemoj sekirati već s veseljem iščekuj taj put jer je to nešto što ne radi svatko i tko zna kakve te super stvari tamo tek čekaju :)

    1. I mene ako pitaš, reći ću ti da mi je gušt riješiti se stvari. Pogotovo otkad još manje fermam te stvari. Ali "kretanje spremati" mi je onda "početak seljenja" i onda me to utlači, ali u mojoj glavi, pa onda ni ne krećem, nego će opet sve biti navrat-nanos, ali eto, tako to ide kod mene.

      Barem sam se shoppinga uhvatio - kupio si naočale, neke hlače i tako to. Da ipak budem fin, bwahaha!



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