Monday, July 1, 2013

Tuesday Tick-Off List

Inspired by Bitchy Dust's regular update on life and all the stuff that goes with it...

I'm grateful for:
  • being here right now (God knows it took me ages, but it has obviously paid off)
  • friends who start squeaking on the phone when I give them a surprise buzz
  • friends who find the time in their super busy lives to email something like supr busy, ll email later, hug
  • a beer on the terrace and the double episode of Friends when I get home from work
Hmmm, an omen?
  • co-workers who enjoy lying in the grass during lunch break as much as me
Break. Lunch break.
  • crazy, unexpected, fun weekends
And so begins my journey home...
  • beautiful weather on a crappy day
#Perth as seen from Claisebrook station.
  • my annual leave in five weeks (if I make it)
  • random walks around the neighbourhood
  • friends I didn't even know I had
  • a nice cup of tea
Green tea. Need to stay awake. I'm chanting as we speak...
  • Soup Mondays at work
Soup day at work.
  • those tiny glimpses of light in the darkest hour.
Rainy Perth

I'm not thrilled about:
  • a pile of crap on a beautiful day
  • self-involved people who make it even crappier
  • when shit start snowballing in front of your eyes and you can only watch in shock
  • no heating at the office on a cold day
No heating at work? Kein Problem!
  • plans, ideas and opinions being pushed aside while being overrun by the snowball of shit
  • short days and long nights (although I'm a night owl)
After the winter solstice... #winter #perth @ela_naomi
  • never-ending piles of dirty dishes
  • this mess in my head.


  1. Wee za sve dobro, boo za sve lose! I omgdroolIlovetrains na predzadnju sliku i tracnice :D

  2. Nekako je ovo dobro dominantno...i nek bude na dalje. Sike su divne i skroz su mi približile priu/emociju :) I da, nekad je vraški dobro zastati i pogledati oko/u sebe i shvatiti na čemu smo zahvalni, šta smo dobili i naučili, a šta je na nas palo iz te vreće full of shits :)

  3. Ma da, nisam htio trolati, pa rekoh, ajde malo ravnoteze. Taman je bio neki takav dan. Sva sreca, imao sam vremena malo sjesti i gledati u daljinu...

  4. erm, you dont have heating in your office? for real? buy a cheapo one from bigW, $24 bucks we got one for our bathroom! lol. btw, on the laptop tonight, hence the ability to write on here!

    1. It was just tht day, bubu. But yeah, up in the desert now and it's fricken freezing!



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