Monday, June 17, 2013

Three days in the kitchen

Okay, this weekend was both lazy and busy. Lazy because I spent three days at home, lying on my couch in the dark, and going through unwatched movies from my hard drive.

Busy because I had people over on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, so there was a lot of cooking, preparing and cleaning up involved. Nevertheless, it was nice and fun, even though I felt a bit tired and, for lack of a better word, bland. I don't know if it's the cold weather or the busy times at work or something else, but it was nice to have people over.

I hope they had a good time and that they didn't get food poisoning... ^^

Ay, caramba!
Burrito ingredients ready! It has been brought to my attention that burrito necessarily contains meat, so I should maybe make a note that this was a vegetarian burrito. One of those endless conundrums, I guess, like cheese burek (for everyone who's familiar with it)...

La gran sabroso burrito de anoche. ¡Vamos!
After three of these, I was up for a snack...

Stuffed capsicum in tomato sauce with baked potatoes.
No, this is not a human heart. It's capsicum stuffed with potato and rice, in a tomato sauce.

Puff pastry with berries and cherries.
Puff pastry with berries and cherries. Simple and yum!

After three days in the kitchen - tadaaam!
This is the worst part of the whole thing. Had to do the dishes what felt like a hundred times. Brrr! It's still better than ironing though.


  1. Zreo za udaje :D.

    Nema burek sa sirom :P. Burek je burek, sirnica je sirnica :P.

    1. Je, da za još nekoga kuham, jok!

    2. I ajmo se složiti da se ne slažemo oko bureka... ;)

  2. joooj ja obožavam kuvanje i spremanje posebno za dobru iskrena da budem, iz dna duše hejtujem usputnr poslove, kao što su pranje suđa, čišćenje, odmašćivanje bla to bih unajmila nekog fizikalca a ja da budem maestro ;)
    Ja glasam da je burek i sa sirom i sa mesom i to samo da bi se odalo priznanje mom omiljenom-praznom bureku ;)
    EEE,Mladene, kažeš hladno...okrenula se planeta...nas sunce ovih par dana bukvalno topi :D

    1. Cujem da je papreno - sad ce pak kuknjava kako je vruce... :P

    2. čuj sad će...kuknjava odmah krenula :D
      Nego, jesi l ove pitice sa džemom/voćem sam pravio il kupio smrznuto?

    3. Lisnato je razvaljano i smrznuto, kao i voće. Pekmez se raskuha i prepeče, tako da mislim da je bolje s voćem. Ja sam uzeo bobice i višnje - milina! Puste sok, a ne zapale se. Voće it kompota isto.

      Uh, sad sam gladan...

  3. mogao bi ti i neki blog o hrani pisat... vidim da padelama dobro barataš :))

    1. Pa, ovo se nekako i pretvorilo u blog o klopi, hihihi...



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