Monday, June 3, 2013

A busy weekend

Compared to me usually being quite lazy on weekends, this one was super busy.

Went to a concert on Friday, got shitfaced and hungover, went out for a burger on Saturday, chilled out, cooked lunch and then went to a housewarming party on Sunday, went out for lunch with A today, as it's Westralia day and we didn't go to work...

Not that I didn't do any work today, but I didn't go to the office.

Plus I kind of like and cherish the peace and quite of my home, so I'll enjoy it a bit longer before I go to bed...

Fancy new platform

#nofilter Palm

Some long weekend cooking...

Soup, a veggie burger and chips.

Autumn in Perth...

Arancini at Benny's


  1. ima tih brzih vikenda, ispunjenih i ludih! Želim ti još manje mamurluka, doduše ;)

    1. Da, sad će biti par brzih, pa onda par sporijih, i tako u krug...



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