Friday, March 15, 2013

Something totally different

I'm a bit of a geek. Not the classic type though.

I don't get numbers. I have no strategy. I react too slow.

People play with me and go bonkers when, instead of taking part in the fight, I start waving my hands when I'm talking about something of interest to me.

I've played one game for almost eight years now. And that was, until a couple of months ago, the only one I've ever played (not counting playing Playstation with mates).

I know people I play it with in person and it's turned out to be more of a chat with a game running in the background than anything else. And even though I don't play that often anymore, I go online every couple of weeks and check what the guys are doing.

I play Panda in game

It's a bit of a connection with a bunch of people I don't have as friends on Facebook too, and it's always fun hearing what's going on where they live. Especially now I've moved, it's like another level of keeping the communication running.

I've dealt with some assholes, but I've also met one of the smartest, nicest and genuinely good people in it. Even though work keeps me busy, I still try to keep a steady and constant contact, and it gives me pleasure in hearing back from people.

It's a place where you chat to people and do your own thing, but you also help each other out and do things together. There is much more to it than just clicking the mouse, maybe because it's quite similar to the real life - only it's virtual.

People who don't believe in online friendships will never get it, but that's not the point.

There's nice people out there, and there's assholes. You'll have plenty of the latter, I'm sure - or I just attract idiots most of the time, have to be rude and then it's all okay. People are sometimes scared of meeting weirdos online, while I can say the most of them I know spend their lives right next to me - on the train, in the store, at a concert...

The problem with online communication (gaming, social networks and especially forums) is that people suddenly have the stones to say anything they want when they're behind the keyboard. That makes my stomach churn. I just despise it.

Forums are, as I mentioned, the most fruitful soil. I've experienced situations where people would shit on me online and smile widely in person. Ewww. It makes me shudder.

And it happens all the time. Then I tell them they're boring, but they don't give up. They go around in circles and keep proving my point, but they don't get it themselves.


There is a difference between being honest (which I respect and appreciate, even though it might bruise my ego) and not being capable of shutting your mouth. And, even worse, meeting up in person and being all lovely.


Anyway, I've tried some games, partially because a friend of mine started playing one and partially because it's a bit of a mind meadow for me, and it always beats the TV. I just started playing, so I'm a noob, but I have to say I've never felt so unwelcome.

I understand that it's probably kids playing the game, with no idea of real life whatsoever, and I get it. But I'm also not going to keep quiet. It's always easy to blame someone else (apparently), but I've never done it. I'm the maximum level in this other game, I've played for so long, and yet I'm still okay with helping nubs because I was given help a long time ago.

It just makes me wonder what does kids think and how they deal with issues in the real world? Just spamming the chat window and acting like brats? Good luck with that.

I'm not so comfortable in conflicts, be it in person or something else), but I'm also not going to let myself be stepped on. And if I'm playing with my best mate, for fun and for chats, and someone keeps being an asshole, so my mate becomes an asshole as well, yelling and asking stupid questions, am I going to listen to it?


Am I going to be seven and act like a brat after school and before I finish my homework?


Am I going to look forward to finally skyping my mate and talking about what's happened in the last couple of weeks, and instead be yelled at?


Fuck that.

And fuck you, little French brats whose English knowledge boils down to 'nub'.

Va te faire foutre, connard...

I ain't gonna be getting none of that shit!

Especially not from my mate.


  1. Ja nemam iskustva s tim online igricama, osim Guess the sketcha kojeg više nema na Facebook-u, a bila je najbolja od svih. Znali su i tu ljudi biti naporni i bezobrazni, ali uspiješ to izignorisati. Svađanje s nepoznatim ljudima preko interneta nema smisla.

    Nego, užasno me nervira ta hrabrost koja se dobije iza tastature. Nikad nisam anonimno ostavljala loše komentare ljudima i prezirem anonimuse koji to rade.

    1. Ma, još je najgore s ljudima koje znaš, a koji će online biti seronje, a sutradan će ti se kesiti u facu. :shudders:

  2. Ok, redom :D Jedina online igrica koju igram je na fejsu, Pet Society, koju igram već nekih 6 godina? Tak nekako. Od kad se igrica pojavila u biti. Mislim da je uz Farmville to bila jedna od prvih igrica tamo. Na sreću, tamo ne moraš s nikim pričati ali možeš slati poruke i sl, pa je fora.

    Imam dosta prijatelja online, neke je na žalost vrijeme pojelo al dvojicu likova znam od svoje 17-e i stvarno je super imati ljude s kojima možeš popričati pa možda čak jednog dana i upoznati a o kojima znaš više nego o ljudima koji su svaki dan oko tebe. Net je super za izjadat se i ispuhati al je sranje što je hrpa ljudi na chatovima kretenasto. Mislim, ja chatam od svoje 13-e (dok si se još morao spajat na net uz onaj grozni zvuk :D) a na kraju imam samo 2 osobe koje su ispale full normalne kroz sve to vrijeme.

    Tužno je kad ljudi za koje si mislio da su ok odjednom pokažu to drugo lice a baš što kažeš, kasnije u facu smo si sve supač. Onak de..

    Ja sam i svog dragog upoznala online tak da ono ♥net♥ hehe Ali su mi smiješni svi ovi "parovi" u zadnje vrijeme di je cura tu a lik u južnoj africi i nikad se nisu upoznali a piše im in relationship. Nova verzija lutke za napuhavanje izgleda.

    I zaključak ovog podugog posta - kreteni su kreteni i treba ih sve na ignore, gdje god bili, u pravom životu ili online :)

    ps. panda ti je baš kjut :D

    1. A da, ima različitih priča. Ja samo znam da je većina ljudi koje znam preko dopisivanja (da, toliko sam star) i preko neta totalno OK i da su mi uletili sto puta prije nego 'frendovi' pred nosom.

      Nisam neki tip za veze na daleko, ako ovo je nekako druga priča. Ne znam, jednostavno nemam tu gradaciju da mi je netko frend i net-frend. Sve mi je to isto - dapače!



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