Tuesday, January 29, 2013

One hundred words: The couple down the road

There's this couple down the road, on my way to and from the train station.

Their front yard is covered partly in grass, partly in brick. Four sprinklers on the lawn, four tyres on the car.

They sit on their porch when I walk back from work. He's usually smoking a cigarette and they're both sipping tea. It's the type of pensioners you imagine going through their photo albums with a wide grin on their face.

Just like it's their ritual to chill out every day, it's mine to give them a little smile.

I'll miss them when I move...


  1. Kakva slika...prizor koji daje konstantu...neki mir i sigurnost. Osmeh njima i od mene. Onako na mom putu do posla ;-)

  2. Evo sam za tebe :D




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