Sunday, February 26, 2012

Goldfish, wishes and such

I don't know why, but it often happens that conversations usually end up with the same topic: religion, music, sex, private wishes, food. Bottle-of-truth style.

One time, during a 45-hour train ride along India's west coast, my friend and I realized that a worrying amount of our conversations end with food. If not food, then drinks. We were laying on our upper-berth beds and talking about what we'd eat now.

Of course, it doesn't make it easier, but one just can't stop talking about it...

All those question... If you won the lottery, what would you do?

I’d definitely go with a degree. That’s my first answer. I have a degree. I don’t really need one. But I’d buy one, just to prove that it can be done.

But if you’d ask me the question right now, I’d say this: a walk-in fridge.

I’m serious.

I can always eat. You wouldn’t say that if you saw me, because I’m 55 together with a chair and a fruit basket. But I always have munchies.

It’s 1.28 and I’m nibbling on the last piece of bread and eyeing the last apple on the table. It’s actually an old chest, but let’s go with table.

The kitchen is upstairs and there’s really nothing in it. Cheese and all the other stuff I’ve already dismissed during the day. But I could eat something now.

Cookies. Or muffins. Maybe cornflakes. Some crunchy ones, with a lot of fruit.

That makes me think of Indian home-made müsli. Dammit!


No one knocking on the door with a trayful of nibbles.



  1. E da sam bar ja 55kg xD Al na moju visinu to je kost i koza :)

    Ajme 45h voznja vlakom ♥_♥ Meni je najduza bila 8h od OS do Zg :D Ali sam isla sama, po noci, pa je bilo meh.

    Da dobijem na lotu - upisala bih redovno fax :) Svi zele putovati, ovo ono, da ja dobijem na lotu isla bih redovno na fax :) Ovako moram raditi pa ako i zelim, moram birati neki koji ima vanredno (a takvih je jako malo) pa je sve nekak zbrčk..

    1. Joj, ja sve nešto gledam neke doktorske i kontam si bih li imao živaca za to. A rado bih...



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