Friday, August 29, 2014

Rant at the tip of my tongue (but I'll talk about my vacation instead)

I feel like a rant's due, but it's just not coming out. Maybe there's too much going on in my head, and I'm fairly busy at work, so I can't even find the time to commit to it.

Sleep eludes me. It started off with jet lag and turned into long, drowsy and rainy days, sleepless nights and very, very troublesome mornings.

The other morning I slept through two alarms, until a third one went off in the living room. Needless to say, I was late for work and the whole day turned into a busy, yawning blur. I did manage to do heaps of work, but when I get home and am supposed to rest and recuperate, productivity seeps through by fingers.

My recent trip to the Middle East and Europe went well – and in a blink of an eye. Dubai was amazing! Even though it's not a place I'd visit for the sake of it, one has to be impressed by what's been raised out of the sand. Everything's nice and clean; the people are beautiful and there's not a single crease on their clothes; it's all about shopping and bling and power. There are a lot of issues with the Emirates, but I wasn't going to surround myself with that and decided to enjoy what I could.

I left my things at the hotel (Emirates paid for it as I had a 17-hour layover), took a shower and took the Metro into the city. It took me ages to get through the Dubai Mall (the largest in the world – not my cup of tea) before I went on top of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world.

After five hours up there, it was time for dinner, a swim in the pool and a bit of sleep before my flight to London, which was–as always–so much fun. I managed to meet up with some mates and even run into one (who had no idea I was there) in the streets. Walking around, having beers and getting rained on is something I'd always go for.

Croatia was...nice. I guess home always comes with everything else attached, so the feelings are always a bit mixed. It was definitely nice to spend time meeting up with family and friends, festivalling around the country, camping and running into people. I wish the weather was a bit better as I only managed to take three swims, but hey – another island ticked off the map, so I'm happy.

Portugal was fun, relaxing, intensive, hot, interesting, charming and much more. Lisbon is so cozy and narrow. Boom Festival was mind-blowing, so I'm definitely planning to go back in two years.

A short visit to Vienna to see my mate and it was time to go. It was cold and rainy, which made Australian winter a better choice (what's up with the weather, aye?!).

A flight attendant, originally from Bosnia, approached on the last, 11-hour leg of my trip and saved my day. Wherever you are, bless!

Next time I travel so far for vacation is going to be:
  • a week of family and friends,
  • two weeks of festivals and mates, and
  • three weeks on a tiny island somewhere far away.
So, time to plan!

(I haven't even gone through all the photos, so this is only what I found on flickr. I hope you've enjoyed it...)


  1. Tek sad skužih kak ti dugo nisam komentirala - sorry :D Ajme slike su predivne, ja ni ne moram nikud ići, obiđem uz tvoj post cijeli svijet :) Slika Dubai-a od gore izgleda ko neki 3d model a ne grad :D Od svih ovih mjesta najviše bih voljela posjetiti London, valjda budem jednog dana :)

    1. Naravno, napisao sam ogroman odgovor koji se zblesao i nestao. Grrr. :/

      Nego, ja sam mislio da su ljudi prestali viriti na moj blog. Doduše, slab sam s pisanjem pa bolje da se ne žalim.

      Dubai je ludnica! Već mi je nekoliko ljudi reklo da ih podsjeća na maketu, ali budući da sam stajao gore zakeljen uz stakleni zid zureći u bezdan, poprilično sam siguran da je za pravo. :P

      London je super! Ogroman je i u svakom kvartu ima nešto za vidjeti. Sva sreća da ima jetinih letova, a i tamo se da umjereno trošiti. Što prije, to bolje. Go, go, go!

    2. Eh meni je uvijek bitnije sve drugo nego putovanja. Sad mi je prvo na listi mijenjati krovne prozore a onda tek razmišljati o nečem drugom. Ja sam više homey type :) + uz hrvatsku plaću.. put do Trakošćana je mašala xD

    3. Uh, ja ću spavati na podu samo da mi je putovati. Vidiš kako smo šareni mi zemljani.



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