Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Movies and life

Do you remember watching all those movies when you were younger and thinking to yourself there's no way he got that much mail?

The mail
Today's mail

Well, if you don't – I do. And it used to annoy the hell out of me. 
Just like all those horror movies, where someone would simply cut the power, slide the window and massacre the whole family.

Well, that mistery's been solved, too.

You see, electrical and water switches are accessed from the outside here. You'll see switches in the front yard or just outside the front door.

The windows screech and slide, and the isolation is not that good. The glass is thin, the air whooshes when it's windy (and it's always windy)...

So, cut the power, get inside and go nuts.

Sweet dreams!


  1. aaahaahhahahahahaaaaa, kakva povezanost sa hororom...gotovo da čovek pomisli da samo što se nije desilo i tu :P

    1. Vjeruj mi, svaku večer prije spavanja provjerim da su vrata zaključana. Nije da ih oveće dijete ne bi moglo srušiti, ali eto... 'Whatever makes you sleep at night...'

  2. Ajmeee kolko reklama :D Pa da, kao i u Americi, imaju one slide prozore pa ih nije teško otvoriti a kod nas nedo bog da se zaključaš izvan stana/kuće, treba ti tenk da ponovo uđeš :)

    1. Ma joj – nemoj da počnem. Izolacija nikakva, vjetar ti puše kroz kuću, prozori škripe i sve se drma. Kao da sam u šatoru, bahaha!

      Ali barem ti ne treba tenk. :P (Vječni optimist – not.)



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