Sunday, April 28, 2013


Some things change, and some stay the same.

I'm still tired. I sleep, I eat, I take my vitamins - and I'm still tired.

People change. The forget about you. They find new friends. They take the easy way out.
People don't change.

Assholes keep kicking people to the side of the road.
Those on the side of the road struggle even more.

The quiet ones lose their chance because there's a screeching vulture circling above.
And even though they're horrible, ugly birds, there's  still a fricken ornithologist who will say they're majestic.

I know, it makes no sense.

And it definitely doesn't make it right.


  1. :/
    Baš sam u pravom raspoloženju pročitala post
    Da, to što se ljudi menjaju na gore se ne menja...i što razočaravaju...
    I sistem vrednovanja je naopačke...ili smo mi naopačke...nikako da shvatim...
    toliko :/

    1. Ma, ne znam ni sam. Nekad me to baš opere. Nisam pametan.

  2. Par dana poslije tvog posta - skontam i ja koliko se ljudi mijenjaju i kako te ostave i zapostave, nekad i preko noći. A u ovim godinama to je tako razočaravajuće. Što kaže moj prijatelj, izgleda da ovakve stvari nisu rezervisane samo za pubertet kad se osoba formira, već traju čitav život...

    1. Izgleda. Totalna gnjavaža za duh...



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