Sunday, March 22, 2015

A day to be grateful

Apparently, today is the day to be grateful to be alive.

There's a house next door where I do my laundry. I went there last Sunday and I went there this morning. There were clothes and washing powder all over the place, but I thought someone was just lazy to clean it up.

After I was done, I went back home and started preparing lunch, when I heard a knock on the door. 'Bring your camera.' This can't be good. I cringe as I walk over the yard as I know there's heaps of snakes around.

It's a King Brown, the second most venomous snake in the world. For a weird reason, they like this place. It's got to do with water, as I'm told. I recall a commotion last night, but I didn't pay much attention – there's always something going on here. And now there's blood and brooms and freak-outs.

Inside the house where I do my laundry – and I can't stress 'inside' enough – was the darn snake. Last night. In the toilet. Right next to the washing machine. Right there! Twelve hours before I was there. Now it's lying dead in the burnt grass outside, the same way I could've ended up.

And people laugh at me when I walk around like a crazy person, watching my every step; flushing before using the toilet. Scary stuff, people – scary stuff. I might as well walk around filthy and smelly.


  1. Mislim da bi ja pišala u kantu tamo :D Drago mi je da si ok! :)

    1. A moram piti hektolitre vode – pa si ti misli. :P

  2. Meni je Australija prestrašna zbog tih bića, ja ne znam kako bih izdržala :D

    1. Da, moraš imati ogromno poštovanje prema svim tim beštijama, a onda još i stalno biti na oprezu. Ali ima ih i super, genijalnih, zanimljivih, impresivnih itd. Samo da me ne ubiju... ;)



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