Friday, June 1, 2012


So I tried out my first pair of contacts ever today.

Being that hospitals trip me out big time, I was roaming around the hallway (and probably subconsciously avoiding the doctor's office) while the nurse called out my name for twenty times. By the time I got to the office, she could read "that's me" all over my face.

After spending a couple of minutes wondering how I can wait at the end of the hallway and me trying to find a valid reason for not being called out on the intercom once, we got on with the examination.

Luckily, my sight hasn't gotten any worse, so I'll be getting soft contacts, which are quite easy to use. I tried my first test pair and I have to say it seems OK. It's a bit itchy around the edges, but I tend to compare it to seeing one's frames when starting to wear new glasses.

The nurse probably figured I was totally spaced out by the fact of being in a hospital at all, so she gave me a complementary bottle of liquid - to keep me on the right track or something. I felt like being five again and getting a lollipop after a butt shot.

The tutoring after that didn't make my day any peachier. Nor did the rain as I was going away from there.

So I treated myself to shoes. Oh damn, there's that influence of mostly female reading population! All in all, it was the last pair and they were discounted, so I'd say I got a bargain.

It's shoes number two in the post before this one. The ankle ones, I'd say, although they're not really that deep.

You know you guys'll be getting a photo of the contacts as well? Mwahaha!

Now I'm finally home, I'll watch something made by BBC, hopefully doze off for a bit and then go to Slovenia for a party. And tomorrow's my good-bye and birthday party.

I sense a wicked weekend.


  1. To! One za koje sam navijala :D. Odlične su!

    Ne budi pussy, ako ijedan doktor nije strašan, onda je to očni :D. Meke su super jer su meke :D, al meni konstantno raste dioptrija, ne previše, al raste... Nadam se da mi neće preporučiti naočale ili tvrde leće, ja to ne želim nosati :D.

    Ne znam kad je, al sretan ti rođendan :D.

    1. Nije mi oftalmolog bed - bed mi je bolnica kao mjesto. Nosim naočale već preko 10 godina, pa mi je malo dosadilo.

      A rođendan je već bio, ali se party dogodio tek sad, hehe... Hvala!

  2. Ja navijah za br.1! XD Nema veze. Ove su takodjer odlicne. :D
    Uzivaj u vikendu! Sretan rodjendan!

    1. Tenks! Bilo je dobro i ludo, sad malo odmora i čhillanja... ;)

  3. jes, i ja sam navijala za te! i pridružujem se čestitkama!

    1. Meni su isto OK. One prve su malo preplatnene uživo. A naravno, kad sam kupio ove, u izlogu sam vidio pet dobrih pari, haha... Ali ove su taman!

  4. Meni ovi tvoji postovi uopće nisu iskakali kao novi, dođoh vidjeti jel ti uopće više pišeš kad ono.. :)

    Treba se nagraditi, mene od same pomisli na bolnice ma čak i obične ambulante hvata grč u želudcu, čim sam tamo u čekaonici se osjećam bolesno makar bila i s nekim drugim tko ide kod doktora a ne ja xD Sve je to u glavi :)

    1. Nagradio sam se nekim pecivom, čini mi se, hahaha!

      I da, meni isto nisu iskakali novi postovi od ljudi, pa kasnih...



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