Monday, January 28, 2013

Immaterial boy in a material world

This post reminded me of something that I wanted to write about, but I forgot the idea by the time I got to some pen and paper.

It's sort of a coincidence (or synchronicity, as some call it) that someone or something you're not familiar with reminds you of something. It pretty much has to do with what I wanted to write about: material versus immaterial.

As you might know, Australia is a spenders society and, even though it only has about 22 million people, it influences and is influenced by foreign markets. It's still way behind the US, where (at least I have that feeling) it's all so much about things. People have gotten used to having everything and being ungrateful for every single thing they don't have.

I noticed I changed my habits and it freaked me out. Not that I want to diminish the value of a big house or disregard someone's need for nice things (or, God forbid, turn myself into a martyr of some sort), but I've lived in a room with four doors most of my life, and in a tiny studio for the last couple of years before I moved to Australia.

I didn't get new stuff because there was no room for it. Not that I had money to afford anything anyway, but everything was pondered upon, put on paper, and pros and cons were listed about every single little thing.

It's more about having things handy here. I was really careful with my finances when I got here, and I only got what was really necessary. I got my iPad (party because I use it for work too) and I finally got my bicycle - and that's it. I do get bits and pieces for myself from time to time, but it's pretty much either clothes or something useful for camping, trekking etc. I don't consider buying a couple of books a special luxury, but it still costs money...

On the other hand, you get bombarded by all these ads, discounts, privilege clubs and what not! Buy one, get one free, 80% discounts, free delivery and stuff. I just found myself looking at a set of three Samsonite suitcases, pondering whether I should get the big ones or the small ones...

It's not that expensive - and it's not all about being expensive. Believe me, when you pay so much for food and bare necessities, you don't consider the more pricey stuff expensive. But it's dangerous.

It's just a pair of thongs (it's the Australian name for flip flops, not the other thing that makes you giggle), a bicycle pump, a couple of T-shirts, an Australia tourist guide and similar stuff, but it does add up to the pile.

I'm supposed to pack and move in the next couple of weeks, and I'm afraid I've already piled some stuff up. Okay, it's mostly bedding, kitchenware and stuff I basically need to function normally (if there is such a thing), but still.

I start thinking about times not so long ago, when I would go around with my backpack and my hammock, not needing a tablet, a mobile or a 4G connection; when I camped for weeks in a row, living on nothing but tuna cans and bagels.

I don't know, I'm quite clueless in the moment. Maybe it's too early and maybe one cup of coffee is not enough. And maybe I'm just overreacting and maybe it's all pointless. But I just don't wanna be this guy who needs everything and has everything and wants everything...


P.S. Kramer from Seinfeld just said: Why do we need all this stuff?! ^^


  1. Ljudi su danas previše materijalni i troše na gluposti. Ovo sve što si ti nabrojao još spada pod nužno tako da mislim da nemaš brige još :) Al eo pročitah taj post koji si linkao i onak - nije materijalno bitno al must je obići neki otok i vidit ovo i ono.. a to je kao free.. moš mislit. Neki ljudi su toliko razmaženi da ni ne kuže da nešto što rade i kupuju je u biti veliki trošak i da im komotno možemo priljepiti onu - nek jedu kolače..

    1. Meni je taman nekako sjelo kao reminder...

      Inače, meni bi isto tako ljudi znali kukati kako stalno putujem. Dok su oni trošli lovu na vikende u Crikvenici i CityWest shopping centru, ja sam sjedio doma, držao instrukcije i štedio. Oni su, jadni, bili samo na Hvaru tri tjedna i deset dana na skijanju u Švicarskoj, ali nikad nisu bili tako daleko kao što je Indija. Mislim, to mi je mozak popilo...

      Sad isto, kao, stalno negdje putuješ, stalno si na plaži, vamo tamo...A brate mili, nisam imao slobodan dan u pet mjeseci, živim na rijeci i pobjegnem čim stignem, jer iovako previše sjedim doma. Ne smije čovjek fotku postati, odmah se svi uzjapure. I od sto komentara, dva i pol će biti 'uživaj', a svi ostali će biti 'nabij nam na nos' itd. Meh...

      Meni nikad nije bio bed dati za putovanje i to je, realno, jedina stvar na koju mi nije bed dati bilo koji iznos. Nosit ću žniranac umjesto remena i imat ću pola robe s rupama od moljaca i jesti sir i vrhnje, ali ću se bome k'o pijan plota držati svojih sjećanja i fotki i prijatelja i boarding passeva... ^^

      OK je imati mobitel, ali morati kupiti svaku novu verziju ajFona i slično... Ne znam, samo znam da ću zamoliti nekoga da me ošamari ako dođe do toga... :P

    2. Pa na dobrom si putu da ne dođe, ali ako zavaravaš nas ovim postom, zavaravaš i sebe :D.

      Sviđa mi se stav o putovanju. I ja sam sebi priuštila Rim i ne kajem se.

      A vidjela sam fotku s iPadom, pa se sjetih svih onih turista u Rimu kako nose nešto kao tekicu i slikavaju okolo, a fotografije im bolje nego na mom digitalcu haha.

    3. Ma da, digitalni fotići 4 MP, a iPhone 8, pa si ti misli, hahaha!

  2. Ovo što kažeš za štednju i putovanja je istina.. rijetko tko će reći da uživaš jer si zaslužio, jer si se trudio zaraditi to. Ljubomora? Nema što drugo biti.

    "It's just a pair of thongs (it's the Australian name for flip flops, not the other thing that makes you giggle" i da.. zagiglala sam :D

    1. Tako sam ja razgovarao s HR-om prije nego sam preselio, pa mi je kolegica, nakon što sam pitao postoji li dress code, rekla: 'Nah, some of the people here even wear thongs...' Brzo se ispravila, tako da ne bih pomislio (i zagiglao), ali sam znao to i prije, hehe...

      Sad već koristim par tipičnih australskih riječi, hehehe...

  3. Ja moram priznati da sam delom materijalista...nekako, imam želju da to što radim psihički i emotivno težak posao na kraju ima i neki negujuć ishod i za mene samu. Naprosto, živimo u jako materijalističkom društvu i verujem da je ne nemoguće, ali jako teško svemu se tome odupreti...i ja se sama naježim kad mi se oči zasijaju od pogleda na sve i svašta i kad želje počnu da divljaju...Ali, mislim da suština jeste naći neku svoju meru stvari i ne izgubiti se u tom šarenilu svega i svačega. Ja volim da čitam i volim da putujem...u to mi nije žao da uložim, a recimo krpice i šminka su mi manje više nebitni. Volim tehniku i volela bih da imam gotovo sve novo što izađe, ali srećom nisam u mogućnosti, pa tek onda shvatim i da mi ne treba. Ljudski je valjda poželeti ali je fora znati šta je najvažnije, odrediti prioritete i umeti deliti :)
    Sjajan mi je tvoj post i sad sam još srećnija što sam naletela na tvoj blog ;)

    1. Meni je isto nekako draže da je nešto opipljivo - doduše, ne u fizicčkom smislu. Mislim da to da mi nije bed ubiti se od posla da bih postigao nesšto što sam si zacrtao. To će vjerojatno biti putovanje ili festival ili kombinacija toga dvoga, ali je nešto (barem meni) stvarno...

      Samo me malo splašio taj nenadani materijalni rush, pa sam se odmah bacio na gledanje avionskih karata. Terapija i najveća napast u jednom... ^^

      I drago mi je da ti se svidja blog - samo svrati... ;)

  4. Samo imaš dosta više nego prije...i stalni income.... ;) Kad si sve nabaviš...proći će te... Don't worry. :* (Anita)

    1. Ma da, proći će me prije nego me i snađe. :selfcontrol:



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